Bristol and Avon Archaeological Society

Re-scheduled AGM and subsequent talk by Andrew Smith

On Wednesday April 12, 2023
Andrew Smith, former Chair of BAAS

The AGM has been re-scheduled for 12 April, 7.30 p.m. in the Apostle Room.  This will be followed by an illustrated talk from Andrew Smith, member and former Chair of BAAS

This talk features a selection of sites visited during CBA Archaeology Week in August, 2015.These include the  Ness of Brodgar, Maeshowe chambered tomb, Skara Brae and Skaill House, Broch of Gurness, Kirbuster Farm Museum [where the corn drying kiln had exactly the same footprint as Roman versions], Barony Mill, Brough of Birsay, Scapa Flow, Earl’s Bu and Round Kirk, Stones of Stenness & Barnhouse, Ring of Brodgar, Italian Chapel and St Magnus Cathedral. An excursion to the Island of Rousay features Taversoe Tuick and Blackhammer tombs, and Mid Howe tomb and broch. The scope covers multiple historic periods from the early Neolithic to  WW II.