Bristol and Avon Archaeological Society

Policy & Privacy Notice


Registered Charity No. 229317

General Data Protection Regulations (2018) – BAAS Privacy Statement

Some of the BAAS members will be aware that the UK’s data protection laws have been revised and the new General Data Protection Regulations 2018 came into force on 25th May 2018. Although BAAS is a small, not-for-profit organisation and therefore not required to register with the Information Commissioner’s Office regarding data protection, it must still comply with the new GDPR. The implications of this are as follows:

The new GDPR laws came into force on 25th May 2018 and, as a summary, require any organisation holding personal data (by which an individual may be identified) either in electronic or paper form, to comply with the new regulations. This means that personal data must be obtained, used, stored and deleted in an appropriate way so that it may not be misused. The GDPR requires that the data is only held for a “Lawful Processing Purpose” of which there are six detailed in the Articles of the GDPR 2018. BAAS holds personal data about its members (name, address, email address, telephone numbers) which it uses only for Lawful Processing Purposes under the terms of the GDPR 2018. The Lawful Processing Purpose which applies to BAAS is that members and the Society have entered into a contract: members request to join BAAS and pay a subscription in order to receive the services provided by BAAS (as stated in the Society’s Rules). BAAS uses the personal data in order to process subscription payments, mail out membership information, bulletins and the BAA and provide updates about the programme of events. Personal data will not be used for any other purpose unless members give their consent (i.e. marketing information from other local history and archaeological societies) and will never be passed on to a third party.

BAAS has already issued consent forms to exiting members and will continue to issue consent forms to new members. The Privacy Notice is available for all members to view on the BAAS website.