Bristol and Avon Archaeological Society


BAAS has two grant funding streams available:

  • The James Russell grant (up to £1000 per award) 
  • Leslie Grinsell grant (up to £500 per award). 

Both grants come from generous legacies left to the society by James Russell and Leslie Grinsell.

James Russell was a former BAAS treasurer, secretary, chair and keen supporter of the society for over 40 years. James was a widely respected local historian and archaeologist who published prolifically on a range of subjects.

Leslie Grinsell was Keeper of Archaeology and Anthropology at Bristol Museum between 1952 to 1972. Leslie was a co-founder of the Bristol Archaeological Research Group, which went on to become BAAS and was a key player in the society throughout his life.

What we fund

BAAS has grants available to BAAS members, archaeologists, historians, students and teachers for projects that support its objects, which are:

  1. To promote, share and contribute to a wider appreciation of archaeology and history with an emphasis on Bristol and its surrounding area.
  2. To provide opportunities to explore, engage with, and be inspired by archaeology and related topics with an emphasis on the local area.
  3. To support and encourage people to join, undertake research, share interests, meet like-minded people and play an active role in the society.

Grants are intended to assist with, but not limited to, essential equipment hire, consumables such as archive materials, archaeological equipment, research visits, specialist reports, teaching resources or bring in specific expertise.

Projects involving multiple funding streams from other sources may be considered but the application must be for a discrete element of the project.

We do not fund work that has already commenced, developer-led archaeology or any activity where a charge is made to participate.

Preference is given to applications from BAAS members and to projects that could not proceed without a BAAS grant.

How to apply

Grants are awarded twice a year by a dedicated BAAS panel. Deadlines for applications are as follows:

  • 31 March, 11.59pm
  • 30 September, 11.59pm

Decisions will be made within a few weeks of application deadlines. All applicants will be notified about decisions made. Feedback is available on request.

To apply, please complete the Bristol and Avon Archaeological Society Funds

We welcome brief discussions about individual applications. To discuss your application with the BAAS committee in advance of submission, or if you need this form in an alternative format, please email [email protected].

In some instances, we may require more information about the project or person/organisation applying. If this is the case, we will email you to request this ahead of the BAAS grant panel meeting so that an informed decision can be made.

Please note, that by submitting an application, you confirm that all information given is accurate and correct and that you consent to BAAS contacting the referee given.

Conditions of grant

Successful applicants must accept the BAAS Grant Conditions, which will be emailed after selection.

Depending on the project, monies will either be paid in full at the beginning of the project, or in stages. Receipts for all expenditure will be required on completion of the project.

All projects must comply with all the relevant guidelines or laws and the BAAS Code of Conduct.

The grant must be spent on the project as described in the application form, unless prior permission is granted.

BAAS must be acknowledged on all appropriate occasions. The form of the acknowledgement will be “Supported by the Leslie Grinsell Fund of the Bristol & Avon Archaeological Society” or “Supported by the James Russell Fund of the Bristol & Avon Archaeological Society”.

A brief report (maximum 200 words) must be submitted in electronic form within 6 months of completion. This must be suitable for general readership and publication in the Society’s Bulletin and must include accompanying illustrations or images. 

For all projects that involve archaeological fieldwork and / or heritage research or conservation, the results must be shared with BAAS and made accessible to the public through publication and deposition with an agreed archive or museum. This must be completed within a year of the end of the project.

For all projects that result in the production of a publication, artwork, digital assets or other material, BAAS will require a copyright waiver to use the material as the society requires.

Advice and support is always available on request. For larger projects, regular updates to the BAAS committee would be appreciated. 

BAAS reserves the right to impose further conditions on a project by project basis. Failure to meet these conditions could result in BAAS requesting that the grant is returned in full. 

Apply for a grant