Bristol and Avon Archaeological Society

Cancellation Wed 10 January 2018

On Sunday January 14, 2018
BAAS Committee

On behalf of the BAAS Committee could we apologize to everyone who came to the meeting on Wed 10th January, only to find the premises in total darkness and without power. This, of course, entailed abandoning the meeting.  We understand from the Cathedral Administration Office that the building contractors who were working in the car park area, in completing work for the day, decided to leave the site with no power overnight.  The Cathedral Administration were not informed of this decision and hence we all arrived to find the facility unusable.  We are so sorry for this especially as we readily appreciate how many people were looking forward to the presentation and had taken time and effort to be there.

The Cathedral Administration have asked us to convey their sincere apologies for the debacle.  We have been assured that work at the Cathedral is now drawing to a close and all should be returned to normal in time for our February meeting.  We will, of course, be checking this situation carefully.  We hope to re-schedule Dr. Corcos’s talk at a future date.