Bristol and Avon Archaeological Society

Society Rules

  1. TITLE






The objects of the Society shall be:

  1. to provide a programme of lectures and other events to promote an interest in, and understanding of archaeology among members of the local community.
  2. to undertake the publication of archaeological material to the highest possible standards.
  3. to undertake and encourage archaeological excavation, non-excavational archaeological fieldwork and research on relevant archaeological material and documentation to the highest possible standards.


  1. SCOPE


The Society shall pursue its aims within the City & County of Bristol and its surrounding areas. Where the Society’s activities impinge geographically or otherwise upon the archaeological activities of other groups, tactful negotiations shall always be employed if possible.




All archaeological finds and information acquired by members of the Society in pursuance of the Society’s activities shall be offered in the first instance to the Bristol City Museum or to some other museum approved by the Committee, and shall in no circumstances be left in private hands, subject to the landowner’s consent or any other overriding legal obligations.




Membership shall be open to any person or organisation supporting the objects of the Society, subject to the approval of the Committee.

The privilege of Honorary Life Membership may be conferred by the Annual General Meeting.




Annual subscriptions, at rates decided by a General Meeting, shall be payable in advance on 1 January, but payable on 1 March if by Bankers Standing Order.

The subscription rates shall vary with the categories of membership, which shall be:

  1. Ordinary
  2. Joint (partners each having full rights, but sharing the Bulletin and Bristol & Avon              Archaeology).
  3. Institutional


Membership shall automatically lapse after 31 December of the year for which a subscription was due after at least one reminder has been handed or posted to the member.


The subscription of a new member joining after 30 September shall cover the following year as well as the rest of the current year but shall be at the rate applicable to him or her on 1 January of that following year.




The Officers of the Society shall be the following:

Chairman: to be elected for a period of two years, and to be ineligible for one year for re-election as Chairman.

Vice-Chairman (who succeeds the Chairman), Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer, Hon. Programme Secretary, Hon. Membership Secretary, Hon. Editor (Bristol & Avon Archaeology), Hon. Editor Bulletin, Hon Website Coordinator,  Hon. Project Officer: these shall retire annually and be eligible for re-election. Any one person may hold more than one office. In addition the Committee shall have the power at its discretion to appoint an Assistant or Assistants to each or any of the above Officers, but any such Assistant shall not be or become a member of the Committee ex-officio or otherwise by virtue of his or her appointment.




  1. The Committee shall consist of the following persons:
  2. The Officers specified in Rule 7.
  3. Four elected members, two of whom shall be elected each year to serve for a period of two years after which they shall not be eligible for re-election until one year later.

iii. Such persons as may be co-opted by the officers and elected members of the Committee, provided that the total number of the Committee shall not exceed twenty. These persons should include representatives of the main archaeological organisations active in the area defined in Rule 3. Co-opted members shall serve for one year and be eligible for immediate re-election or co-option.

  1.   The Committee shall have the power to fill any vacancy on its body or in the office holders until such time as the person replaced would have been due to retire, subject, where appropriate, to confirmation at the following Annual General Meeting.
  2.   The Committee shall meet on at least four occasions annually, and on other occasions as it deems to be necessary or desirable. Six shall constitute a quorum. The Committee shall have the power to set up Sub-Committees. The Committee shall be responsible for the ordinary business of the Society including the approval of all applications for membership.




  1.   All funds, other than those donated for a specific purpose, shall be allocated as the Committee shall determine in the furtherance of the objects of the Society.
  2. The accounts of the Society shall be audited by a suitably qualified person and submitted to the Annual General Meeting. The Society’s financial year shall be the same as the calendar year.




All Officers and all members of the Committee (other than co-opted members and ex-officio members) shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting when their offices fall vacant. Nominations may be made by the Committee or by any two members, provided that nominations except those made by the Committee shall be in writing to the Hon. Secretary not less than fourteen days before the Annual General Meeting, and shall be signed by a proposer and a seconder, who shall both be members.

The period of office of officers and committee shall commence immediately after the Annual General Meeting at which they were respectively elected; and in relation to the holding of such office the period of one year shall be deemed to expire at the next Annual General Meeting and the period of two years shall be deemed to expire at the following Annual General Meeting.




  1.   The Annual General Meeting of the Society shall be held before 31 March of each year for the election of Officers and Committee, the appointment of an Auditor who shall not be a member of the Committee, the adoption and alteration of rules, the presentation of reports, and for any other business.
  2.   An Extraordinary General Meeting may be summoned by the Committee, and shall be summoned by the Hon. Secretary on the receipt of a written request signed by at least twenty five members.
  3.   Not less than eight clear days’ notice of any General Meeting of the Society shall be given to all members whose address is in the United Kingdom. At any General meeting twenty shall be a quorum.
  4.   No member may vote at any meeting except by personal attendance thereat.




Sessional meetings of the Society shall be held as determined by the Committee, for the furtherance of the objects of the Society.




  1.   If a written proposal for the dissolution of the Society, signed by twenty five members shall be sent to the Hon. Secretary at least three months before the General Meeting at which it is to be discussed, the Hon. Secretary shall notify all members in writing at least two months before such a meeting.
  2.   Such a proposal shall not be carried unless at least two-thirds in number of the members present at the meeting and entitled to vote shall be in favour of it.
  3. Any such proposal shall contain a provision for the disposal of the Society property as nearly as possible in accordance with the objects set out in Rule 2 or any of them within the area defined by Rule 3.




No alteration or addition to these Rules shall be made except at a General Meeting of the Society and a notice in writing of any such alteration or addition (with a copy thereof) shall be sent to the Hon. Secretary not less than fourteen days before the Meeting, and the Hon. Secretary shall notify all members in writing (with a copy thereof) not less than eight days before the meeting.

No alteration or addition shall be adopted unless at least two-thirds in number of the members present at the meeting and entitled to vote shall vote in favour of it.